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ACN Annual Provider Survey Yields Network Insights, Direction for 2019

As a physician-governed network, ACN physicians lead the board of managers, accomplish committee work and make decisions that improve our healthcare system and drive patient satisfaction. Today, ACN turns the spotlight on your satisfaction.

Throughout the year, ACN representatives bring you scorecards, metrics and assessments. The 2018 ACN Provider Survey was your opportunity to deliver ACN a scorecard on the services, resources and tools we provide to support your population health efforts.

An independent research firm conducted the second annual survey in September to determine how ACN is performing against expectations and aspirations; learn your preferences regarding communication; and assess your satisfaction with ACN provider and practice resources. We received 213 responses with a margin of error of +/- 6.7% at 95% confidence

Here are highlights:



ACN improved on performance in fulfilling our mission in 2018 with nearly 80% considering it good/excellent, compared to 64% in 2017.

Measure new programs against the Quadruple Aim to ensure mission focus.

Almost 75% of respondents said they make an effort to refer patients to other ACN-affiliated entities and providers. Nearly 60% indicated they use par8o referral software often or always and 80% considered par8o either important or extremely important.

Continue to provide par8o referral software at no cost to participating providers. Refine metrics and weighting based on provider feedback.

More than 60% rated the Provider Rewards Program as either important or extremely important

Continue to fund the Provider Rewards Program. Explore a specialist incentive program.

Among PCPs, 67% rated the Annual Wellness Guide, care gap tip sheets and CPT coding tip sheet as “most important” among services and tools targeting them, specifically.

ACN practice reps will gather feedback on ACN tools and most useful resources. Explore ways to expand tools to more practices.

A majority (53%) indicate they read the monthly newsletter regularly and 74% rated the content as good/excellent. All communication metrics improved significantly from last year.

Deliver more of the content rated most valuable:

  • ACN tools and resources for practices
  • New payer contracts
  • Provider Rewards Program
  • Physician profiles
  • Performance on quality
  • New ACN practices

About 67% agreed that their representative brings them trustworthy data and valuable information. Similar numbers also have a good rapport and that their representative is an asset to the practice. This is another significant improvement over 2017.

Refine and standardize ACN reports so they are easier to interpret. Support representatives with more data, more timely data.

66% rated the Pod meetings good/excellent. However, comments on the Pod meetings varied. Clearly, it’s a challenge for providers to attend a meeting in person at the end of a work day.

Providers value the networking time, which requires in-person attendance. ACN reps and newsletter will reinforce key information shared at the Pod meetings.

male provider

Provider Comments on Regional Meetings

“Networking opportunities were provided before and after the event. The location for the West Valley was the perfect size to meet face to face with PCP and Specialists.” – Anonymous ACN Provider

“Attending meetings is very difficult when working long hours. I’m in solo practice… Could summary of what was discussed at meeting be available via email?  Could there be a podcast?” – Anonymous ACN Provider

Provider Survey Tools

The numbers produce a useful scorecard, but your personal comments give ACN a deeper understanding of your needs. Many providers expressed thanks to ACN for helping them improve their care and efficiency. Notes for improvement included:

    • More focus on and resources for specialists
    • Better ways to identify ACN patients in the office
    • Greater detail on the data behind ACN reports – how it is gathered, where it comes from
    • Some respondents asked for more data on how your practice compares to others in the network and support on ways to improve care.

Thank you to those who took the time to submit thoughtful, useful, detailed responses. Your feedback is valuable and ACN is already preparing new or expanded programs to meet your needs. Please contact your network representative is there is anything we can do to serve you today.

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